You have heard a lot of talk about voter fraud over the past decade. The left wing media claims it is all a lie. When most people hear those two words, they think it means a bunch of dead people showing up to vote. Nope, that is not how it is done. There are numerous ways that elections can be stolen. This website is going to show you how it is being done. And we have the data to back it up.

What we have documented, according to the Social Security Administration, is since 2011:

* There were 87,006,447 attempted voter registrations in participating states
* The attempted voter registrations noted here are from people who claim to have no ID
* At least 26,166,014 of those were bogus – their identifying information did not match
* An astounding 1,103,358 of those registrations were from dead people!

The majority of data on this website comes from the Social Security Administration. The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requires states to verify the information of newly registered voters for federal elections. Each state must establish a computerized state-wide voter registration list and verify new voter information with the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). States are required to verify the driver’s license number against the MVA’s database.

Only in situations where no driver’s license or state ID exists may the state verify the last four digits of the new voter’s Social Security Number (SSN). The state submits the last four digits of the SSN, name, and date of birth to the MVA for verification with Social Security Administration (SSA). In addition, SSA is required to report whether its records indicate that the person is deceased.

This is important to note, because the numbers you will find on this website are very large numbers. Knowing these large numbers are people who supposedly have no driver’s license or ID makes it appear even more fraudulent. Who are these MILLIONS of people (including tons of dead people) who have no government ID?

This is just the tip of the voter fraud iceberg. It is clear that there are patterns of this and it is clear that the bad actors have been working on this for a very long time.

To be clear, even if the SSA returns rejected results, each state has the authority to determine if they will still allow the registration or not! This is beyond crazy!

We hope you’ll share this website with everyone!