Electoral Map


There are 538 electoral college votes available. Each state gets 1 vote for each congressperson and one for each US Senator. Those are decided on population, which is why the democrat party wants to count ineligible (illegal) residents, so it boosts their numbers.

To win the Presidency, you must get 270 electoral votes or more.

Our country does NOT use the popular vote, for good reason. We are a constitutional republic, which is a nation built upon laws, not men. We are NOT a democracy (AKA mob-ocracy).

This means each state gets a proportional number of votes. This is why the electoral college is such a big deal, and why it was significant when California lost a congressional seat (a vote) in the recent census because of a huge decline in population.

The electoral college protects us in many ways. However, the electoral votes CAN be manipulated and targeted, and we believe that is exactly what is going on here, based on the huge number of rejected attempts at registering to vote.

You see, a very small number of votes in a swing state can mean a big difference with the electoral college. This is, we believe, why we see all these high numbers of voter registration attempts in places you wouldn’t expect to see them if you do not know about the electoral college.

As of 2024, the swing states are:

Nevada (6 electoral votes) – Between January 2024 and July 2024, there were 52,696 voter registration attempts with an unbelievable 46,800 non-matching! That is 88.8% of attempts that do not match!! Just in 7 months, right before a Presidential election. And you really think there is no cheating going on? Puhleeze. The fix is in!

Arizona (new) (11 electoral votes) – Between January 2024 and July 2024, there were 1,018,404 voter registration attempts (in a small state like that??) and 150,616 (more than 10%!) of those were not a match and 759 of them were dead people! Why is the media not reporting this?

Wisconsin (10 electoral votes) – Between January 2024 and July 2024, there were 4,963 voter registration attempts with more than 10%, 611, not matching and 64 dead people registering to vote. Wisconsin is a small state and it will only take a few thousand votes to swing the election. See where we are going with this?

Michigan (15 electoral votes) – Between January 2024 and July 2024, there were 4,081 voter registration attempts with more than one third being bogus. This is only for 7 months and they still have several months to go.

Pennsylvania (19 electoral votes) – Between January 2024 and July 2024, there were 1,321,175 voter registration attempts and 76,161 were not a match and nearly 800 were dead people.

Georgia (new) (16 electoral votes) – Between January and July 2024, there were 209,184 voter registration attempts with an astounding 92,415 that do not match. That is nearly HALF! And you really think there is no cheating going on?

The most suspicious voter registration fraud states are Nevada, Arizona, Ohio and Missouri.