Election Integrity


No matter what anyone tries to tell you, our elections are NOT secure. Not by any means. This is not a red state/blue state issue. It is a nationwide issue. And it is making our elections very vulnerable to fraudulent activity. There are numerous ways to make elections more secure, but surprisingly, many states refuse to engage in voter integrity efforts – for whatever reason. Why? Politics, I’m sure. Simply put, the people in charge can’t stay in charge with fair elections.

Fisrt and foremost, we believe that the fraud starts at the registration level. As such, it should be mandatory to show ID and prove citizenship. Voter ID should be required in every state. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to oppose it. Don’t YOU want to know that you are the only person voting with your name? That YOUR vote is not being cancelled out by an illegal voter?

Some form of identification is requested upon voting in 36 states. In 14 states and Washington, D.C., no form of ID is requested to vote.

States with voter ID laws requiring photo ID at the polls (several are new since 2020):
North Dakota
North Carolina
South Carolina

States that have NO requirements to prove identity (liberal states of course!):
Nevada (Swing State)
New Mexico
Pennsylvania (Swing State)
New York
New Jersey

One little known fact is that, not only are there hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens voting in our elections, but there are millions of green card holders – who are in this country permanently and legally, who are also voting in our elections. Doing this is a felony and once caught, the authorities will certainly look at their entire voting history, since each instance of illegal voting is a separate crime. In fact, this crime makes them eligible for deportation, according to federal law. Only US Citizens are allowed to vote in our elections and that is because, despite the fact that green card holders (permanent resident aliens) are here legally, they are in fact citizens of a foreign country, not of the United States. Imagine a foreign country flooding us with their citizens and then determining the political and governmental policies of this country. Insane!

One way to make voter registrations more secure is by using the nationwide ERIC system. That is, Electronic Registration Information Center. You can read more by clicking here.

Five states – Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Texas, and Wyoming – don’t allow all voters to track the status of their mail ballot. This does not secure our votes (I am a Texas resident). This needs to be fixed! People should have the ability to know if someone has cast a ballot in their name – and where!

American citizens have a right to know if anyone, anywhere in this country is using their name or other identifying information in order to vote, yet, there is no way to find out. We believe that underground actors are sharing large voter data files across states to register tens of thousands of people in multiple states.

There are too many excuses to allow multiple months of early voting. How in the world did this even happen? We have an election day, that is when we should be voting. In fact, it should be a federal holiday so everyone can go and vote. The more time that is allowed to vote, the more time it gives bad actors to do bad things across multiple locations.

Voter registrations should be verified at least every 2 years. It has been my experience that these are verified only every 4 years or so. And their verification process consists of a stupid postcard. If the postcard is returned, the voter registration is suspended. If it is not returned, the voter stays registered. When is the last time you returned a piece of mail?