Liz Cheney Accuses G.O.P. Trump Backers of Betraying Their Principles
The former Republican representative criticized Nikki Haley for now supporting former President Donald J. Trump and compared JD Vance unfavorably with Mike Pence.
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The former Republican representative criticized Nikki Haley for now supporting former President Donald J. Trump and compared JD Vance unfavorably with Mike Pence.
We took photographs, captured 360-degree video and counted attendees at six recent rallies to analyze which of the candidates’ claims on crowd sizes hold weight.
The presidential candidates and their running mates all expressed regret, but have very different approaches to how they would regulate guns in America.
Counting frequently spoken words and phrases at both events.
See some of the prominent people spotted at Chicago’s United Center this week as Democrats gathered to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris for president.
Price increases when demand exceeds supply are textbook economics. The question is whether, and how much, the pandemic yielded an excess take.
The vice president is leaning into an effort to partly blame big companies for inflation, as progressives have pushed her to embrace that argument.
Hogan supports Donald J. Trump. Mr. Ventura is backing Kamala Harris. But their beef is more complicated than that.
Mr. Cooper, the governor of North Carolina, had been seen as one of the half-dozen top candidates to join the Democratic presidential ticket.