C.I.A. Now Favors Lab Leak Theory to Explain Covid’s Origins
A new analysis that began under the Biden administration is released by the C.I.A.’s new director, John Ratcliffe, who wants the agency to get “off the sidelines” in the debate.
It Is Happening Every Day, Every Where
A new analysis that began under the Biden administration is released by the C.I.A.’s new director, John Ratcliffe, who wants the agency to get “off the sidelines” in the debate.
He has offered a vision for a more aggressive spy agency, and his focus on the threat from China is widely shared by Republican and Democratic lawmakers.
Republicans will be able to win approval of President Trump’s top picks if they remain united, but they are frustrated by Democratic tactics.
Donald Trump’s pick for the agency’s director seems likely to win some Democratic support for this nomination, but how much is unclear.
Selections for attorney general, secretary of homeland security, secretary of state and Treasury secretary are among those set to have hearings this week.