Some European Allies Fear Trump Is Out to Destroy Them
Debate is building over just how deep the Trump administration’s antagonism runs, and whether the real goal is to destroy the European Union.
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Debate is building over just how deep the Trump administration’s antagonism runs, and whether the real goal is to destroy the European Union.
The post of deputy director will give Dan Bongino access to vast amounts of highly sensitive intelligence, as well as rumor, speculation and false accusations that F.B.I. agents regularly receive.
As he seeks to negotiate a peace deal with Moscow, President Trump has cast Ukraine as the instigator of the conflict, not the Russians who invaded it.
He has offered a vision for a more aggressive spy agency, and his focus on the threat from China is widely shared by Republican and Democratic lawmakers.
President-elect Donald J. Trump believes he has been wronged by current and former officials, members of the media and more.