Greenland, Panama and Faucets: Trump Conference Shows Hints of Chaos to Come

President-elect Donald J. Trump’s news conference at Mar-a-Lago was a reminder of what the next four years may have in store.

Biden Administration Moves to Halt Sept. 11 Plea Deal

Justice Department lawyers are defending the defense secretary’s decision to back out of the agreement that avoided a death penalty trial, moving the question from military to civilian courts.

Panama Unsettled by Trump Threat to Seize Canal

Few took the president-elect’s combative comments at face value, but they still sent a shudder through a country that has been invaded by the United States before.

Trump Again Hints at Jan. 6 Pardons, Including for Attacks on Police

At a news conference, the president-elect sought to blame the F.B.I. for the riot at the Capitol, echoing a conspiracy theory that is widespread on the right.

Trump and Family Blur Lines in Deals on Cusp of His Presidency

Even before the start of the new administration, there has been repeated blurring of lines between the federal government efforts and Trump family businesses.