When you hear the phrase “voter fraud” you may think it means individual people showing up to vote for dead people. The cheaters want you to have that thought, because it makes no sense, therefore, you don’t believe it. There are numerous left wing websites that openly claim that voter fraud is a myth and doesn’t exist. The Brennan Center for Justice is one such website, but there are many.

Electoral fraud (fraudulent activity designed to change or influence the outcome of an election) is far more complicated and more prevalent than what you think. As this website shows, all types of electoral fraud is happening every single day, all over the country.

It is an ongoing racket that never stops.

We are aware of the massive greencard holder voting scam in California, New York and Nevada and we are working on exposing this as we speak. We will be pushing for their removal from this country for committing these crimes over and over again. Illegal voting is a deportable offense, luckily every state keeps very detailed records of voter histories.

Several types of voter fraud are federal offenses, investigated by the FBI, subjecting the criminal offenders to prison time, civil fines and forfeitures.

Election crimes become federal cases when:

The ballot includes one or more federal candidates
The crime involves an election official abusing his duties
The crime pertains to fraudulent voter registration
Voters are not U.S. citizens

Federal election crimes fall into three broad categories—campaign finance crimes, voter/ballot fraud, and civil rights violations.

A person gives more than $4,600 to a federal candidate (various limits apply for donations to and from committees and groups)
A donor asks a friend to give money to a federal candidate, promising to reimburse the friend, and the friend makes the donation and the real donor reimburses him
A corporation gives corporate money to a federal candidate
A person who is neither a citizen nor a green card holder gives money to a federal, state, or local candidate

Someone threatens a voter with physical or economic harm unless the voter casts his ballot in a particular way
Someone tries to prevent qualified voters from getting to the polls in a federal election
A scheme exists to prevent minorities from voting

A voter intentionally gives false information when registering to vote
A voter receives money or something of value in exchange for voting in a federal election or registering to vote
Someone votes more than once in a federal election
An election official corrupts his or her office to benefit a candidate or party (e.g., lets unqualified voters cast ballots)

Here are just some of the ways that your vote gets diluted and as a result, doesn’t count:

1. Lawmakers change laws in order to give their party an advantage in an election. This was off the hook during COVID as we saw several states use COVID as an excuse to change existing laws, make new laws and even ignore some laws altogether. Yes, that is electoral fraud.

2. Election interference VIA the media. When the media colludes with each other to determine, define and deliver a false narrative (lies), this is election interference meant to change the outcome of an election. You may recall the now debunked Russia Collusion stories created out of thin air in 2016, meant to keep Trump from winning the Presidency. You may also recall in the 2020 election cycle, the media once again colluded (this time with so-called US Security Experts) to create the narrative that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian Disinformation. Another debunked lie.

Now, for 2024, they have created the Project 2025 narrative lie (and they will repeat it over and over again until you are sufficiently brainwashed) trying to scare the bejeezus out of democrats. For the record, Project 2025 is the brain child of the libertarian think tank The Heritage Foundation, who by the way, has never supported Trump. Republicans typically do not support the libertarian platform mainly because it’s so batshit crazy. Trump had no input on the project, nor does he endorse it. It is simply a think tank wishlist. Trust me, it will NEVER happen.

3. Kicking candidates out of primaries. 2024 was a crazy year for the primary elections. In Florida, for example, the Democrat party openly refused to allow anyone on the ballot, other than Joe Biden. Not even sure how that is legal, but who was going to challenge it?

4. Pulling your candidate out of the race AFTER the primary elections and just weeks before the convention, leaving your party with no choice other than who you coronate. Can’t believe democrats are ok with this.

5. Green card holders voting in any election. They are not US citizens and therefore, they are breaking the law every time they vote, which makes them subjec to deportation. Back in the 1990’s I discovered a new candidate, Loretta Sanchez (who went on to win the congressional seat), in Anaheim, illegally coordinated with a Mexican organization and went door to door telling people to register to vote, even if they were not eligible. I know this because it happened at our house, my spouse was not eligible, as he is a green card holder. They were demanding to sign him up anyways. I reported it to Bob Dornan – it was his seat – but he laughed it off until he lost. Too late pal. By the way, the state of California did absolutely nothing about it. The illegals who voted got off scot-free and Sanchez was allowed to keep her seat. Don’t tell me illegals aren’t voting and that democrats don’t cheat.